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Transforming your energy & experiences - podcast recording

Updated: Oct 21, 2022

I sat down virtually with Christen Rodgers, of the Create The Space Podcast to talk about allll the things. Here's how she describes our talk...

"This week Hope Clark (aka-creator, entrepreneur, author, speaker, and adventure lover, wife, mom, former-long-time-pastor’s wife & church leader, Certified Essential Oil Specialist, and Licensed Avatar Master) shares her story and how she’s started to choose her life deliberately.

…….y’allllllll seriously…the plot twists in her story tho!) . . . . . . Do you feel like your path is taking a different trajectory from your family’s?

Are you wondering how you can navigate emotional crises to create the life you want?

If so, today’s show has it all!

Life is all about perspective! And this episode is all about HOW to choose your perspective and beliefs to create your life deliberately, transform your energetic experiences and operate in your highest self."

She sat in her room in Bali while I sat on the floor in my closet in Orlando and we talked. Listen in here.


  • Hope growing up in a contained environment and how this played out in her life.

  • The biggest shift in her quest for more outside what she was taught to believe.

  • Cult Christianity, religious dominance, Evangelicalism, and tribalism.

  • Hope’s tribal rejection experience during her dating and marriage to a Black man.

  • How essential oils have been instrumental in her transformation and growth in who she is as a being.

  • The Avatar course and how it helped Hope unlock her blueprint and begin creating life deliberately.

  • Pursuing the highest and greatest vision that you have for yourself and what you have to offer the world.

  • Eliminating the clutter to lighten your life and surround yourself with high vibration materials.

  • How to recognize the negative beliefs, energy, and emotions operating in your life and release them.

  • Finding your natural path back to your pure positive essence of who you’re as a spirit.

  • Resources and practices that you can use to start exploring yourself, being intuitive, and get out of limiting programs.

And much more!



Hope is a creator, entrepreneur, author, speaker, and adventure lover. She works with freedom finders, and as a Certified Essential Oil Specialist with doTERRA, she focuses on empowering people to uplevel their wellness lifestyle so they can experience a vibrant, energetic life. If you are ready to empower others, Hope can help you launch your own wellness business, email or DM her (details below).

Hope is also a Licensed Avatar Master. She guides people through life by providing them with consciousness management tools to equip them to create their life deliberately using an Avatar life-giving course. If you’re interested in the course, find more information below.

Additionally, Hope has also created an easy-to-digest book called "Master The Meltdown: Three steps to Shift Your State." It's all about this process, and it will teach you how to do it instantly. If you’re interested, find the link below.


Phone - 719-963-3330

Email -



*The Law of Attraction by Abraham Hicks

*Conversations with God series of books by Neale Donald Walsch

*Power Vs. Force by David Hawkins

*The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer

*Loving What Is, Revised Edition: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life by Byron Katie


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