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Your Permission Exists Within You

It was placed within you. . You see, there is brilliance in you. Special, deep, beautiful, profound brilliance. You know it in those quiet, mundane moments when you make yourself laugh. When you're laying awake with a marvelous idea. Your presence is a God-blessed gift to the world. . I'm not here to make you into anything. I'm not here to sell you or guarantee you anything. I'm not even here to liberate you. . I'm here to echo your own internal voice of freedom. I'm here to affirm that the permission you're seeking to be you does not exist outside of you. I'm here to be a light shining on the truth of you. I'm here to help your body catch up to where you as Spirit are going. I'm here to affirm the deepest inner knowing within you... that quiet, small, oceans-deep voice with no sound that says "there is more for you than this." You're right. There is. And it's time to stand in it. . You have been narrating your life with an outdated storyline of yourself. . A version of you that used to exist, but no longer needs to. . Allow the possibility that any penance you feel the need for was handled several thousands of years ago. . Truly, the thing that holds you back is that you're still telling the story of why you're not there yet. . So, I'm here to challenge you to see and feel the highest vision of yourself. Feel the you that you are wanting to become. The you that makes you proud. What would that you do? What would that you say? . And so, decide now. There is nothing left to wait for. The cracking open has already happened. The metanoia is already in process. You are here to release the old and BE now. There is only the now anyway. And there's is nothing else you need in order to be fully you, except your own acknowledgment that you are already so now. . And so, BE. Be the fullness of your grandest vision. Take your grandest action now. Speak. Jump. Leap. Do. . No need look around or look back. No need to question. You already are. Own it. Be you. . Find more at Enlightening Hope .com


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